
Archive for October, 2009


I have to say, in my 40 years on this planet I have never seen a more openly transparent and agreeable administration, determined to unite both sides of the political aisle and bond together every view across the ideological spectrum in an amalgam of peace, love, and hope and change.  Am I right?

What?  Oh… um… never mind.

“The White House has told Congress it will reject calls for many of President Obama’s policy czars to testify before Congress – a decision senators said goes against the president’s promises of transparency and openness and treads on Congress’ constitutional mandate to investigate the administration’s actions.”

What I mean to say is, in my 40 years on this planet I have never seen a more secretive and petty administration, determined to divide both sides of the political aisle and rend asunder every view across the ideological spectrum in an amalgam of disharmony, scorn, and hope and change (couldn’t really alter the last part as ‘hope n’ change’ has really become synonymous with insignificance.)

Now let’s take a look at this graphic from the Washington Post a little over a month ago…


Before anyone gets bent out of shape screaming, “Well, the evil Bush had over 40 czars, blar, blar, blar, Bush evil, blar, blar, blar,” take a close look at the above graphic.  Bush appointed 5 non-confirmed czar positions in his 8 years (which I still think should’ve been senate confirmed even if they didn’t enforce regulation, unlike the recently appointed Pay czar and Auto Recovery czar, each who did enforce regulation. And Van Jones, should he have floated under the radar, would’ve had tens of billions of dollars to spend while having no accountability to congress.) All the other czar positions during the Bush years were carry-overs from previous administrations.

Obama on the other hand has personally created 16 non-confirmed czars over the past sever or eight months who have no congressional accountability. They simply do what Obama wants. That’s a pretty significant disparity between Bush and Obama.  It does seems like an executive branch overreach and an apparent abuse of the checks and balances of our system.

Obama needs to stop being so secretive and divisive and start being what he promised: transparent and a reasonably cooperative uniter.

W.H. to Congress: Policy ‘czars’ won’t testify


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I’ve posted so much on the sham that is catastrophic anthropogenic global warming that I feel I don’t really need do so anymore.  Thankfully, according to a new Pew Research Center poll, Americans are really starting to see that a theory is just that–a theory–and junk-science won’t be taken seriously when so much is on the line.

“There has been a sharp decline over the past year in the percentage of Americans who say there is solid evidence that global temperatures are rising. And fewer also see global warming as a very serious problem — 35% say that today, down from 44% in April 2008.”

I rather see this as a positive sign that people are beginning to question the charlatans who stand to gain so substantially from such shams as cap and trade–frauds like Al Gore and James Hansen–as opposed to the cynical view that is already believed by many liberals that Americans are simply too dumb to know what’s good for them.  I’m so looking forward to the day when those on the left (and some on the right) who support the idea that man is primarily responsible for changes in our climate are found… wrong.

Fewer Americans See Solid Evidence of Global Warming



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By now, assuming you don’t live under a rock and/or you don’t live in extreme denial, most everyone has heard about the electrifying amateur sting operations conducted this past Summer by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles at a number of ACORN offices around the country.  The initial string of undercover videos, where O’keefe sometimes dressed as a pimp and Giles as a prostitute, released almost daily over a period of a couple of weeks or so.

And then the videos stopped.

Many assumed we’d seen all there was to see of the sting videos.  Meanwhile ACORN and CEO, Bertha Lewis worked desperately to conduct damage controldenying, suing and bleeding, bleeding, bleeding.  Well, guess what?  According to Lewis and ACORN, when O’keefe and Giles attempted to orchestrate the same type of undercover maneuver at the Philadelphia office, the young faux-pimp and faux-prostitute were promptly tossed out almost as quickly as they walked in, so honest and respectable and upstanding were ACORN and the manager at that particular branch, Katherine Conway Russell.  Well, I guess that didn’t turn out to be these case.  So sorry, ACORN.  Just stop lying.

Much thanks as usual to Andrew Breitbart and his Big Government website for helping to break these videos.  Without further ado…


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Case in point… Attorney General Eric Holder dropping all charges against the New Black Panther Party in apparent solidarity.  In this day and age, if there are no billy club-wielding thugs brave enough to ominously intimidate white voters, who as we all know are Republicans just as all black voters are Democrats, then who can the Democratic party turn to for salvation?

Thankfully, we won’t have to find out since, as mentioned, Holder dropped all charges against the Panthers.  And now, he and Obama persist in their dramatic politicization of the Department of Justice by condescending to voters in the tiny town of Kingston, North Carolina, forcing them to desist in their right to adopt a non-affiliation stance with regards to local elections.  The DoJ smugly ruled…

“…partisan elections are needed so that black voters can elect their “candidates of choice” – identified by the department as those who are Democrats and almost exclusively black.”

I tell ya… Sheer hutzpah!

Justice concludes black voters need Democratic Party


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